There is a myriad of companies offering gear specifically designed for amputees or people with disabilities. Adaptive Outdoorsman offers fishing, hunting and camping gear designed to assist one-handed people in participating in outdoor sports. Their assistive fishing section includes a Power Caster, Ty-All, and Anglers Aid. They also offer a fishing pole holder for a wheelchair. Inde Tools offers the Maddox Knife which is designed for people with limited hand strength or only one hand to easily use, as well as Finnegan’s Fly Tool and the PocketDresser. Enabling Technologies designs products specifically for disabled athletes such as monoskis, outriggers, and waterskiis. Wheelin’ Sportsmen provides a directory of companies which provide gear specifically for amputees.
Disabled Sports USA offers training and equipment for over forty different sports. These include the popular summer sports of water skiing, mountain biking, and golf. It even offers a link to Great Wheelchair Accessible Hikes. Assistive gear for water skiing includes an outrigger or quad back to provide more stability and a Delgar sling which allows a one-handed person to still used the ski rope. A single ski, two skis with a “ski” leg or a sit-ski can be used for people with one leg.
For more information on the Rolla Roaster and the Folding Camping Fork please visit